Experts in
Social Economic Research and Survey, Development Programme Monitoring and Evaluation, Economic Impact Assessments, Data Capture and Analysis and Business Consulting
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2014 – Wholesale and Retail SETA (W&RSETA) –
W&RSETA 2014/2015 Sector Skills Plan (SSP) Update.
The W&RSETA’s SSP is updated annually. UCS was appointed to update the 2014/15 SSP in accordance with the DHET SSP Guidelines. The main sections of the SSP include Sector profile, Key Skills issues, Extent of skills mismatch, Sector partnerships, Skills priority actions Regional and Provincial scarce skills lists.

DHET asked whether this SSP could be shared to other SETAs to illustrate the best practice.

W&RSETA 2013/2014 Sector Skills Plan (SSP) Update.
The W&RSETA’s SSP is updated annually. UCS was appointed as part of team to update the 2013/14 SSP. The main sections of the SSP include Sector profile, Key Skills issues, Extent of skills mismatch, Sector partnerships, Skills priority actions, Regional and Provincial scarce skills lists.

Client was impressed with quality of work and awarded us more follow-up projects.

Human Resources Development Council of South Africa (HRDCSA) and Centre for Education and Policy Development (CEPD)
Study on programmes identified and prioritized by the FET colleges’ technical task team and its work streams.
UCS conducted a desktop based study which was focusing on researching the purpose of FET colleges, analyzing the different types and forms of partnerships in the FET sector and identifying learner pathways for articulation into employment, further learning and self-employment. Five (5) Papers on TVET education were produced; (i) Purpose of the SA TVET sector, (ii) Profile of SA TVET Sector, (iii) Partnerships for the TVET, (iv) Pathways for TVET, and (v) Positive Learning Experience in the TVET sector.

The final Synthesis Report was accepted and approved by the Human Resources Development Council headed by the SA Deputy President.

2013 – Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA (merSETA) –
2013 Regional Sector Skills Plans (SSPs) for the following regions; (i) Gauteng- Limpopo, (ii) Western – Eastern Cape, (iii) Free State-Northern Cape- North West, and (iv) KZN- Mpumalanga.
The project involved regional socio-economic profiling, merSETA sectoral analysis, skills demand and supply analysis and forecasting.


Project closed successfully.
2012 Accelerated Artisan Training Programme (AATP) Tracer Study.
The project involved tracing the qualified artisans (who graduated from the AATP) and find out their current activities.

The study used both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Interviews were conducted telephonically and face-to-face. A triangulation was used to validate the results.


Client was impressed with quality of work and awarded us more follow-up projects.

2013 – Small Enterprises Development Agency (Seda) –
Research Study to Identify Needs, Opportunities and Challenges of SME’s in the Plastics and Chemical Sector.
UCS was commissioned by Seda to conduct a study aimed at; identifying the needs, opportunities and challenges of SMEs in the chemicals and plastics sectors. The methodologies employed in this study include both secondary and primary research, which also uses quantitative and qualitative research methods. In-depth face-to-face and telephonic interviews were conducted with key informants, relevant stakeholders, buyers of chemicals and plastics products and SMEs in the sectors.

The client uploaded the report on their website and most masters and doctoral students are quoting it for their thesis.

2012 – National Credit Regulator (NCR) –
Literature Review on Small and Medium Enterprises’ Access to Credit and Support in South Africa.
The literature review involved providing an organised account of published information, ideas and knowledge on SME access to credit.

Client was impressed with quality of work and awarded us more follow-up projects.

Head Office Address:

28 Brecher Street, Clydesdale,
Sunnyside, Pretoria,
South Africa


+27 12 751 3237

+27 60 532 8754

+27 81 013 9223 or +27 83 757 3733

+27 86 639 8976 or +27 86 540 7052